The Islamic society is divided into castes, one which they happily point fingers for, against the Hindus. The deep-rooted caste-based division in the Islamic...
The release of movies like Shamshera and Brahmastra is on the anvil, showing utter disregard for Hindu beliefs and customs. It’s time that Bollywood...
Why aren’t the rights of Muslim women ever spoken for by the so-called secularists and human rights propagandists? Highly inhibitory quotes in the Quran...
The 96th Sura of the Quran, titled 'al-Alaq' and considered the first revelation received by prophet Mohammad by traditional Muslim sources, can be divided...
The Islamic society is riddled with caste-based divisions, which have severe ramifications for the entire Muslim community. For long the selected elite of the...
Female genital mutilation is a barbaric, regressive, and a torturous practice adopted in Islam against young girls. It’s imperative for Muslim girls to come...
Aurangzeb’s hatred for Hindus and every non-Muslim is a well-known fact. Yet are we aware that he and his successive generations imposed Sharia laws...