Diljit Dosanjh is rightly being questioned by Indian nationalists! In the world of entertainment, stars and their fans often transcend borders. However, sometimes their...
The new NCERT Class 6 Social Science textbook, Exploring Society: India and Beyond, has ignited controversy over its use of the terms "Sindhu-Sarasvati" and...
A video from violence-ridden Bangladesh recently surfaced showcasing the true spirit of Sanatana Dharma. The as-yet unverified video shows a Brahman or priest carrying...
The burning of the Khandava Forest, or Khandava-dahan, is a pivotal event in the Mahabharata. This episode weaves together themes of duty, valor, and...
Unacademy got caught for disseminating fallacious information on the Martand Temple of Kashmir. Its original description of Martand Temple was hurtful to Hindu sentiments...
Maharashtra is celebrating the return of the legendary Wagh Nakh of the great Maratha Warrior King Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The iconic artifact was on...
The Khalistani movement advocates for a separate Sikh homeland. However, this is not merely a contemporary political issue supported by foreign-aided militants. It is...
Since 2012, Bharat has been staking ownership claims to repatriate the Chola Era Plates stowed in the Netherlands's Leiden University. Commonly referred to as...