Recently, Acharya Dhirendra Shastri announced the formation of Bageshwar Sena to counter the menace of aggressive religious conversions in Bharat. This action struck a positive chord with millions of Sanatanis across India. While critics may label it as unnecessary, the alarming data on religious conversions in states like Kerala, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh paints a grim picture.
The misuse of the Right to Religion Act as a de facto right to proselytize, combined with aggressive tactics by conversion outfits, has left Sanatana Dharma vulnerable. Thus, Acharya Dhirendra Shastri and his Bageshwar Sena could be the answer to this silent yet potent crisis.
The Dark Reality of Religious Conversions in Bharat
Religious conversions are not just sporadic incidents. They are part of an organized strategy targeting Hindus, often exploiting their vulnerabilities. Here is the data for a few states where aggressive conversion to either Christianity or Islam has wreaked havoc on demography and cultural identity.
The state has become a hotbed for conversions to both Islam and Christianity. A 2012 report by the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Council (KCBC) stated that nearly 6,000 Hindus and 2,500 Christians converted to Islam between 2006 and 2012. Thus, extrapolating from trends, conversions to Islam and Christianity in Kerala could now easily surpass 1,000 per year.
The Abrahamic religions ensure that Sanatana Dharam is painted in bad light. Meanwhile, inviting conversions through organized programs like Dawah campaigns and “miracle healings.” The promise of a good job in Gulf nations or Chruch-sponsored employment has many Sanatanis scrambling over themselves to renounce their Dharma.
West Bengal and Tribal States:
The infiltration of Islamic fundamentalist groups from Bangladesh and Myanmar is the bane of Bengal! The illegal migrants ensure that conversion rates to Islam soar, especially in districts like Malda and Murshidabad. NGOs linked to foreign funding often exploit impoverished tribal and Scheduled Caste communities.
Recently, the infamous Rohingya connection was identified by the Jharkhand High Court as a prime threat to the tribals of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. Love Jihad along with retention of tribal identity after conversion allows exploitation of government schemes in West Bengal and Tribal States. These are the primary factors that allow rapid Islamisation of Bharat.
Uttar Pradesh:
Uttar Pradesh bears the brunt of aggressive ISlamistation for centuries. Recent arrests under anti-conversion laws highlight the scale of the problem. In 2021 alone, UP Police uncovered a racket involving 1,500 conversions. These conversions targeted impoverished Dalits and disabled individuals with promises of money, jobs, and even wives. Pakistan-based organizations are under the scanner for radicalizing the Islamic youth in the state. Love Jihad and Ghazwa-e-Hind are the favored narratives of the radicalized youth in UP!
Punjab has bent its knees in the face of aggressive Christian missionaries. Many villages in rural Punjab are lost to the promises made in the name of the cross! Their target are the Dalit Sikhs and Punjabi Hindus facing oppression under Jatt Sikhs. Meetings led by pastors like Pastor Bajinder Singh and others are allowed to hold fake “miracle healings”. Viral videos of such pastors and their conversions are rampant on social media. The claims of cancer cure or infertility cure through the Bible are viral, drawing unsuspecting villagers into their fold.
Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh:
These states have seen rapid growth in Christian populations, with unofficial estimates suggesting 1-2% growth annually. Missionaries often promise free education, healthcare, or “divine interventions” to convert marginalized communities. Andhra’s Tirupati district has even reported missionaries setting up near temples to lure devotees.
The extrapolated data and news bytes expose how both Islam and Christianity are first creating a social divide using caste and oppression. Thereafter, these social fissures are exploited in those sections with socio-economic vulnerabilities. Moreover, foreign funding and subtle political support often help them to bypass constitutional limitations, to expand their influence.
Bharat Needs Acharya Dhirendra Shastri and Bageshwar Sena
🚨 BIG announcement by Acharya Dhirendra Shastri.
"An Army will be formed against 'religious conversion'. Bageshwar sena will be formed against Anti-Conversion." 🚩
— Megh Updates 🚨™ (@MeghUpdates) January 20, 2025
The survival of Sanatana Dharma rests on proactive efforts to educate, protect, and uplift its adherents. Aggressive proselytization by Christian and Islamic organizations thrives because of gaps in the Hindu ecosystem. Spiritual speakers like Acharya Dhirendra Shastrispread awareness and pride in Sanatana Dharma in the growing vacuum of awareness in modern Hindu civilization.
Government schemes and Hindu NGOs are trying to ensure that poverty, caste divides, and lack of access to education are addressed. This helps save the marginalized communities from becoming easy targets for conversion mafias. Missionary models and Islamist radicalization operate with impunity due to a lack of cohesive ground force to counter these challenges. Therefore, Bageshwar Sena, as envisioned by Acharya Dhirendra Shastri, aims to fill this gap.
By creating a network of dedicated ground workers, Acharya Dhirendra Shastri’s Bageshwar Sena can:
- Spread awareness about the richness and inclusivity of Sanatana Dharma.
- Provide socio-economic support to vulnerable communities, making them less susceptible to external influences.
- Counter-conversion mafias through legal and peaceful means, ensuring that no Sanatani feels compelled to leave their faith.
Bageshwar Sena: A Timely and Positive Step
The future formation of the Bageshwar Sena is not about confrontation; it is about preservation. It is about standing firm against the exploitation of Bharat’s marginalized while fostering pride in Sanatana Dharma. The vision of Acharya Dhirendra Shastri is rooted in compassion and unity.
By empowering Hindus with knowledge, resources, and a sense of belonging, the Bageshwar Sena has the potential to counter the aggressive narratives of conversion outfits.
It can act as a beacon of hope for millions who feel abandoned in the face of relentless proselytization. As Bharat faces this existential crisis, the need for organized efforts to protect its spiritual heritage has never been greater. The Bageshwar Sena could well be the force that ensures the survival of Dharma in the face of adversity. Let this be a wake-up call for all Sanatanis.
The battle for Bharat’s soul is not just a struggle against external forces—it is a fight for the very essence of what makes this land sacred.