In a direct democracy, citizens directly participate in decision-making processes, voting on laws and policies themselves. However, representative democracy, a more common form, involves...
The Hajj in Mecca is one of Islam’s most sacred and largest religious gatherings. However, this year this pilgrimage has turned tragic. Over 1,000...
In an unsurprising display of hyper-vigilant sensitivity, the Supreme Court of India has once again demonstrated its unparalleled dedication to ensuring nothing offends the...
The Islamic conquest of Bharat, spanning from the 11th to the 18th century, is often viewed with bitter resentment. Names like Ghazni, Timur, Aurangzeb,...
The term 'Punyabhu' holds profound significance within the ideology of Hindutva in Bharat, as articulated by the revered thinker Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. What is...