The Chanduary Raj (1599 AD -1949 AD) was a mediaeval chieftaincy and later a zamindari estate during British Raj in erstwhile Bhagalpur district, now...
Misunderstanding Krishna: A Tale of Bias Against Hinduism
Recent criticism of the story of Krishna and the Gopis reveals a deeper agenda. Particularly the episode...
Akhadās (अखाड़ा), traditionally known for their role in physical training and wrestling, played a significant role in the Indian freedom struggle against British colonial...
रोम रोम में रमे राम की जन्मभूमि पर नित रहते हैं
फिर भी राघव के मंदिर को बाबर की मस्जिद कहते हैं
-Sadhvi Ritambhara, on how a structure built by an outsider to the civilisation and an invader is being chosen over one of the most...