Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Refuting Hinduphobic Leftist Media Cogs

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The way whole ‘system’ is working in tandem with the Abrahamic propaganda, the way for Hindus is tough. But, Hindus know the way to re-establish Dharma; the Krishna way!

The petty screws in the worldwide Christian-Islamic-Leftist machine like The Wire, Scroll, etc (leftist media) are gearing up for new round of propaganda. The way Suresh Chavhanke is being targeted for his unapologetic fact-files and Hindu-Rashtra is unprecedented. He is on the target from all corners, while he has much larger support from the Hindu side. On 5th Feb, the rally in his support in Delhi garnered attention for the unapologetic call of Hindu saints for the establishment of Hindu-Rashtra.

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(p.c.- indiapost.com)

Hinduphobic agenda on the run

Since, when the young sage of Bageshwar Dham has created a nationwide call against the Christian missionaries and Muslim conversion of Hindus. Therefore he is on their target. This target is now extending to other spiritual leaders like Swami Ramdev and others. The sages and spiritual preachers are the leaders of the Hindu society from ancient times. Saints are the backbone of and guiding light of Bharatiya society.

At this point of time when Hindu civilization is at the verge of being slain, and the atrocities are unleashed in fresh ways, every other day. How can the Hindu society ignore such brutalities on their kinsmen and keep quiet?

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These nefarious agenda drivers have nothing to say about these atrocities. They are perturbed by just the calls of creating a self-defence ecosystem by Hindus but never notice how Kanhaiyalal was murdered and what is happening to the Hindu girls. But, who are they to see?

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Their myopic sense of sight won’t let them to look anything beyond simping for Pathans and Tigers. The so called Hinduphobic intellectual class is devoid of any rationality; moreover, are hate-mongers. They support Hinduphobic comments against Ramcharitmanas, but unabashedly hide the facts of Hindu killings by Muslims.

The fear of ‘saffron-clad’ is beyond any measure. Saffron has become the object of equal hate and fear all across this leftist ecosystem.

This dirty propaganda of Hinuphobic, Hindumisic and anti-Bharat media(leftist media) are not considered anymore by Hindu majority. Rather, now their agendas will be refuted brutally for their qualmish verbosity and misinterpretation of truth. Their attempts to poison and demonise Hindu society will be met equally like Shri Krishna. The way He stomped the head of the multi- hooded KAALIYA.


Left is perturbed by the sheer vigour and the voice of truth raised by the Hindus’ side. They are angered and disturbed to the level that how a community which was deliberately targeted and tortured for decades can stand upto the lies of the Christian-Islamic-Leftist gang. The augmented voices of Hindu sages, saints and common people coming from the centre stage is a sign of hope and revival for Bharat’s civilization. Where we have gone through years of physical, mental, psychological, cultural genocide it is the time that we speak up and claim our Dharma to its utmost glory. Hindus must shun the propagandists with zeal and undeterred actions.

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