In a shocking display of brazen political violence, the campaign trail in West Bengal has turned into a battleground, with BJP leader Locket Chatterjee...
In a spine-chilling turn of events, Gujarat's Bharuch town was engulfed in terror on March 22nd, Friday. A brazen arson attempt targeted the revered...
Ayodhya Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha was a jubilant celebration in Bharat on 22nd January 2024. However, while Sanatana Bharat marked the day with pious...
West Bengal Police arrested Shahjahan Sheikh, Trinamool Congress leader, accused of sexual violence and land grabbing in Sandeshkhali. He had been on the run...
GST Officials Locked Inside Shops Owned by 3 Muslim Kozhikode Residents in Kerala
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Department raided 20 textile shops in...