In a chilling display of violence, the tranquil city of Gadag-Betageri, Karnataka, descended into chaos as the blood of innocence stained its streets. The...
In a spine-chilling incident that has left the nation reeling, YouTuber Rohit Kumar faced a horrifying assault in Karnataka. It was simply for expressing...
The brutal murder of Neha Hiremath, daughter of Congress leader Niranjan Hiremath, has ignited a firestorm of controversy and raised critical questions about the...
In a shocking display of lawlessness by the TMC, West Bengal's Murshidabad district has become the battleground for a grotesque spectacle of violence. It...
In a shocking display of brazen political violence, the campaign trail in West Bengal has turned into a battleground, with BJP leader Locket Chatterjee...
In a spine-chilling turn of events, Gujarat's Bharuch town was engulfed in terror on March 22nd, Friday. A brazen arson attempt targeted the revered...