The recent horrific incident at RG Kar Hospital, where a woman became another victim of a rapist, highlights the stark and uncomfortable reality India...
Kolkata: On Thursday, the body of 22-year-old Priyanka Hansda was found with her throat slit in Shaktigarh, East Burdwan district, West Bengal, raising tension...
The "Peaceful" comments regarding Abhaya, the Kolkata gang-rape victim, have unmasked the reality of their Quom. The brutal and inhumane crime against this young...
A solidarity protest was violently disrupted at Kolkata’s RG Kar Hospital last night. The junior doctors suspect TMC-aligned goons unleashed chaos by storming the...
The RG Kar Medical College rape and murder case sparked dramatic outrage when Ajit Anjum accused Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra of silencing him...