Saturday, February 8, 2025

Fake Fact-Checking Exposes Leftists and Mohammed Zubair’s Propaganda War!!

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In the realm of fact-checking, the responsibility of ensuring accuracy is paramount, and fact-checkers are expected to uphold the highest standards. However, when a fact-checker becomes a purveyor of misinformation, it raises questions about the integrity of the information ecosystem.

Mohammed Zubair, or as he is popularly called on social media Zoo_bear, is known for his controversial stances and affiliations. He deliberately stirred up a storm of controversy surrounding the modified logo of the National Medical Commission (NMC). Let’s dissect the facts and fiction surrounding this issue.

NMC Logo Modification: The Reality

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The NMC, India’s foremost medical regulator, underwent a modification of its official logo. Firstly, the change involved replacing the word “India” with “Bharat”. Secondly, they introducing color to the image of Lord Dhanwantari, the god of Ayurveda. And lastly, they changed ‘Bharatiya’ to ‘Bharat’ in the bottom. These alterations, although significant, were fairly straightforward.

However, Mohammed Zubair seized this opportunity to launch a campaign of misinformation. He alleged that the NMC had forsaken the Ashoka State Emblem, replacing it with a Hindu religious figure, and accused the move of being an imposition of Ayurveda philosophy driven by a Hindutva agenda.

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Contrary to his claims, the officiating chairman of NMC, BN Gangadhar, clarified that the image of Lord Dhanwantari was already part of the old logo, presented in a black-and-white line diagram. The decision to add color to the image was a practical one, driven by the inadequacy of the black-and-white version for printing purposes. Moreover, the replacement of “India” with “Bharat” was attributed to the country’s native name for the nation, not a religious or ideological motive. Thankfully, aware netizens soon exposed Mohammed Zubair’s fake fact-checking! Unsurprisingly, he has now deleted his tweet and retweets on this issue! 

Mohammed Zubair and His Allies: Weaponizing Propaganda

Mohammed Zubair’s campaign didn’t stop at spreading misinformation. His social media allies, part of the “toolkit” friends, joined in the war against the BJP and Hindus. The narrative they spun equated these logo changes to a significant step towards India becoming a Hindu Rashtra.

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Figures like Arfa Khanum, Dr. Philips Abby, and others from the leftist cabal amplified the narrative of anti-Hindu hatred. The logo modifications was misrepresented to fuel their anti-Indian government agenda.

Recently people were not happy with dhanvantari (god of medicine) image on NMC logo. They were saying why we are mixing science and religion. What do you think about this logo? And
PC Reddit

They conveniently ignored the presence of religious symbols like the Christian Red Cross or the Greek symbol for the medical community. Look how conveniently they forget to target symbols of other religions! Their hatred is solely reserved for selectively targeting Sanatani symbols!

Factual Clarifications and the Need for Vigilance

BN Gangadhar’s clarification should serve as a reminder of the importance of scrutinizing fact-checkers, especially those with a track record of bias. Mohammed Zubair’s reliability as a fact-checker has been questioned before. We know him for the dog-whistling ‘peaceful’ violence against Nurpur Sharma! We know he loves to target Hindus and their ideology! He, who posts not-so-accurate pictures of himself, should not be entrusted by anyone as a fact-checker! This recent NMC logo incident adds another reason to disbelief in Zoo_bear’s words.

Moreover, the incident also underscores the need for a discerning approach to information consumption by the leftists and liberals! It emphasizes the importance of fact-checking the fact-checkers. In an age of rampant misinformation against Hindus, conscious netizens must exercise due diligence to avoid being swept away by the tide of biased narratives.

This incident of Mohammed Zubair against the NMC logo should prompt individuals to question the agenda behind the information they receive. All social media warriors are encouraged to critically examine the source they place their trust in! Thus, in the pursuit of truth, accuracy should always lead the way, and fact-checkers should be held to the same rigorous standards they apply to others.

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