Several individuals receive approval from their doctor to start a yoga routine. Yoga study refers to both the alignment of the postures and, more significantly, the underlying concept. Yoga enables the conscious mind to look for the opportunity, resources, and support to enquire:
- What other goals do we have for life outside finding employment?
- What if life consists of anything other than working at a certain place all day?
- What if God doesn’t exist?
In other words, being in a really positive frame of mind, can assist us in focusing on the process of meditation or while facing a challenge or when we have a really strong want to explore our innermost selves. We don’t intend to ascend all the way. Yoga may really serve as a gauge of our development, the caliber of our being and the purity of our will, and the extent to which we are able to free ourselves from the grasp of self-centeredness and everything else that keeps us trapped in unfulfilling ways of existence. Our existence will eventually get purer and stronger as we make an effort to move up this ladder and work in increasingly higher energies.
The Psychological Ladder
Climbing a ladder of our own beliefs is like expanding our awareness. Each belief serves as a rung on the ladder in this example. We advance the ladder each time we enter our minds, remove a rickety or outdated notion, and replace it with a more sensible, compassionate one. Our general mental state can change to one of oneness, calm, and connection by letting go of notions that stem from dualism, fear, or separation. We gradually broaden our consciousness by exchanging lower vibratory concepts for higher ones. As our consciousness grows, our limitations are loosened, dualism disappears, and our sphere of influence broadens.
But what if we don’t swap out the worn-out or obsolete rungs along the way?
Yes, it was time to let go of many of my ideas, such as the ones that I am the only person on the earth or that I shouldn’t occupy too much space. It felt as though there were no rungs on a ladder when you stared inside your own head. I stumbled into an arbitrary, meaningless universe because I had nothing to stand on. Both organization and direction were absent. Both human misery and good deeds were irrelevant. Karma, the concept of cause and effect, is meaningless in a universe where everything disintegrates back into the ether.
The Interaction between Ladder and Mindfulness
While “skill level” refers to a person’s mastery of the talent, “consciousness” relates to an individual’s understanding of the skill. Let’s say you want to get better at data analysis.
The work you put into processing a report is referred to as consciousness, but your capacity to produce high-quality data analysis from that effort is referred to as skill level.
This tool sees studying as a process that one may proceed through by climbing a ladder with different rungs. The idea is simple: as one moves up the ladder, they become more proficient in a certain ability. Two markers, mindfulness and skill level, are used to measure the different levels of the Ladder of Learning. Think of the wood used to build the ladder as being represented by these two factors.
Purusharthas: Aim of the Soul
All major faiths have the same goal of guiding people towards living lives that uphold the moral ideals of morality as they pursue their natural aspirations to become wealthy and in love. This emphasis on moral and responsible behavior is the entirety of some religions’ religious practices. Liberation, though, is a crucial fourth aim in Hinduism. The purusharthas are dharma (virtue), artha (wealth), kama (love), and moksha (liberation).
While dharma, artha, and kama are all worthwhile goals in and of themselves, their greatest value is in creating the conditions and opportunities that allow the actual soul to develop over the course of many incarnations until it achieves moksha. Moksha, thus, is a higher-level objective than dharma, artha, and kama. We can say that “To know oneself” is the purpose of your being on Earth.
Moksha, the fourth goal, is freedom from reincarnation on Earth and from samsara, the endless cycle of births and deaths. A soul continues to have physical births on Earth up till moksha is attained. “Liberation [moksha] comes when dharma has been well-performed, all our karmas have been satisfied, and God has been fully realized,” said Gurudeva in describing the accomplishment.
Stages of Human Consciousness
Fourteen rungs might represent the many levels of the human mind. Higher rungs correspond to higher levels of awareness, whereas lower rungs correspond to lower states. The Hindu chakra system offers a clear explanation of these states. Sanskrit word for “wheel” chakra is used in metaphysics to describe the centers of power and consciousness found inside a person’s inner body. In a psychic vision, the seven main chakras appear as vibrant, many-petaled wheels or flowers. From the base of the spinal cord to the cerebral chamber, they are positioned along it.
Seven further chakras, which are scarcely visible, are located below the spine. They are the centres of instinctual consciousness and the source of emotions such as rage, wrath, envy, and guilt. They make up Narakaloka or Patala, the lowest or infernal world. There are therefore a total of 14 main chakras.
According to Hindu belief, a human soul progressively ascends this ladder of consciousness over the course of many lives. All souls eventually arrive in an enlightened condition filled with divine light and love after beginning in a lesser, selfish state. This is a natural process that happens from life to life, one that is just as inevitable as the transition from infancy to adulthood.
What happens when we climb the ladder of consciousness?
The path of spiritual development involves blocking the chakras below the Muladhara rather than opening the higher chakras. The aspirant’s consciousness then gradually moves into the upper chakras, which are constantly present. Regular sadhana, japa, worship, and inner effort are the only things that may keep the lower chakras closed.
The fact that even renowned yogis and rishis who have woken into the upper chakras continue to perform more and more sadhana serves as evidence for this. In order to prevent the lower centers from claiming consciousness, they are continuously fighting to maintain the forces flowing through the higher centers. We hone our crude, instinctual nature and strengthen our refined, magnanimous soul attributes via sadhana, worship, and working inside ourselves.