Monday, February 10, 2025

After Budget 2024 Congress MP Asks For Separate Southern Nation

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Indian politics is a warzone, where most MPs shoot their parties in the foot! Such is the case of Congress leader DK Suresh. Epitomizing the self-goal trend, MP Suresh spoke of demanding a separate country for southern states after the 2024 Budget session! Later, his assertions were negated by P. Chidambaram in another interview. Apparently only MP Suresh wants a separate nation, not the CONgress!

However, nothing can hide the fact that Rahul Gandhi’s “Mohabbat ki Dua” is a facade for selling “Nafrat ka Samaan”! Let’s talk about how the CON party’s attitude toward national unity continues to fuel the North-South Divide

Separate State Demands To Fuel North-South Divide!?

First MP Suresh says the southern states will unite to ask for a separate nation! Later he backtracks on his incendiary statement.

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However, this divisive cat was out of the bag and nothing would put it back!!! MP DK Suresh’s remarks reflect the deeply infected mentality of CONgress leaders in the south. Most southern CON party leaders truly do not believe in Bharat as a nation, and they seek to capitalize on regional grievances for cheap political mileage at every stage.

After winning the Telangana elections, the CONgress has been pitting the ‘Intellectual South’ vs. ‘Imbecile North’ narrative.

CON party loyal followers and supporters continue to malign the North Indians as crooks, uneducated, and bigoted groups.

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They even reject Hindi, an indigenous derivative of Sanskrit, as part of their civilizational identity. They would rather use colonial English under the guise of Globalism to reject anything connected with Northern India!   

In later interviews, MP Suresh’s attempts to paint the BJP as the villain in this North-South narrative. However, he conveniently overlooks CONgress’ role in using divisive politics as a mega weapon of discord. By stoking sentiments of regional disparity, the CON party’s CON leaders from southern India want to polarize the nation along linguistic and regional lines.

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Budget 2024 Reveals ‘Tukde-Tukde Toolkit Agenda

PC x @knowthenation

The CON party has a long history of using the divisive card for political gains. They are the original “Tukde-Tukde” toolkit gang! And CONgress MP DK Suresh proves it with his words! MP Suresh’s insinuation that the southern states should seek separation from Bharat should be looked at as anti-national speech! His words are not just inflammatory but they also undermine the sacrifices made by countless patriots to keep India united.

To save his political skin, in later interviews, MP Suresh attempts to portray himself as a victim of BJP’s machinations! However, his words fall flat on the face!

  • He claims to stand by the unity and integrity of India, but his statement asks for a divided Bharat!
  • MP Suresh says that the Budget 2024 injustice provoked his sentiments, but the truth lies in narrow-minded divisive political gains.
  • He says he is upset by the small amount of budget allocated to southern states in Budget 2024! However, he should think about the fact that the CON party and its alliances use central money to run freebie schemes.

Tax payers money in the south rarely goes into developmental schemes! Case in point, Karnataka has sunk into debt thanks to the CON party guarantees within 6 months! How did the state that generated 1.4 times its need turn into a beggar under the CON party’s rule? Karnataka Got CONNED!!!

BJP For Growth Not Freebies?!??

The BJP’s allocation of funds is guided by how the state will use the money. If the money goes into the pockets of corrupt relatives or freebie schemes, then the central government has the right to withhold funds. After all, taxpayers pay tax to see development, not freebies! Freebies do not make Bharat a stronger nation, they just keep its people under the delusion of comfort! 

MP DK Suresh’s remarks saw no action from the CON party.

No public shaming! No suspension!

डीके सुरेश के 'अलग देश की मांग' वाले बयान से कांग्रेस ने किया किनारा, अलग देश की मांग करना पार्टी की नीति नहीं
PC Lokmat News Hindi


The former Finance Minister P. ChidambAram distanced himself from controversy without holding anyone accountable!

However, Bharat should not get CONNED like Karnataka! Divisive mindsets and narratives need to be showcased to show the reality of the CON party! The CONgress, as a national party, indulges in delusions of dividing Bharat! It feeds this divisive rhetoric into the minds of its leaders and followers! Remember this when the 2024 general elections come to the fore! It’s time for Bharat to choose those political leaders who prioritize the nation’s interests above petty politics and divisive dreams.

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