Sunday, February 16, 2025

CIA Backed Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus To Lead Bangladesh’s Army-Backed Interim Government

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Student leaders whose protest campaign culminated in Ms Hasina’s ouster met with Army Chief General Waker-Uz-Zaman and President Mohammed Shahabuddin late last evening, and the decision was taken to “to form an interim government with Muhammad Yunus as its chief,” the President’s office announced. CIA

Is Muhammad Yunus a CIA Stooge?

Who is Muhammad Yunus? CIA

  • Personal Background:

    • Born in 1940 in Chittagong, a seaport city in Bangladesh.
    • Received a PhD from Vanderbilt University in the United States and taught there briefly before returning to Bangladesh.
  • Professional Background:

    • Economist and banker by profession.
    • Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for pioneering microcredit to help impoverished people, especially women.
    • Nobel Peace Prize committee credited Yunus and Grameen Bank for efforts in creating economic and social development from below.
    • Beyond the Nobel Peace Prize, Yunus has received several other prestigious awards, including the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 2010.
  • Grameen Bank:

    • It was founded by Yunus in 1983 to provide small loans to entrepreneurs who typically wouldn’t qualify for them.
    • The success of the bank led to similar microfinancing efforts worldwide.
  • Conflict with Sheikh Hasina:

    • Troubles began in 2008 when Hasina’s administration launched investigations into him.
    • Hasina accused Yunus of using force to recover loans from poor rural women. Yunus denied these allegations.
    • He is called the “Blood Sucker of the Poor”
  • Government Actions:

    • In 2011, Hasina’s government reviewed the bank’s activities and Yunus was fired for violating retirement regulations.
    • In 2013, Yunus faced charges of receiving money without government permission, including Nobel Prize money and book royalties.
    • Faced additional charges related to other companies he created, including Grameen Telecom.
  • Recent Legal Issues:

    • In 2023, former Grameen Telecom workers filed a case against Yunus accusing him of siphoning off their job benefits. Yunus denied the accusations.
    • Earlier this year, a special judge’s court in Bangladesh indicted Yunus and 13 others on charges of a $2 million embezzlement case. Yunus pleaded not guilty and is out on bail.
  • Support and Criticism:

    • Yunus’ supporters claim he has been targeted due to frosty relations with Hasina.
    • Yunus received Support from famous US politicians.

    • Hasina criticized Yunus and Grameen Bank’s microfinance practices, referring to him as a “blood-sucker of the poor.”
    • In 2011, Yunus was removed from his position at Grameen Bank for exceeding the legal retirement age; the decision was upheld by Bangladesh’s top court.
  • Legal and Public Reactions:

    • Yunus has faced legal issues, including accusations of embezzlement and failing to establish a workers’ welfare fund.
    • He and three colleagues were sentenced to six months in jail, but the sentence was immediately stayed pending appeal.
    • The charges have been widely criticized as politically motivated, with figures like Irene Khan, a former Amnesty International(Well-known CIA front organization) chief, describing the conviction as “a travesty of justice.”

Why He Is A CIA Stooge:

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  • Political Interest:

    • In an Unclassified Document in Wikileaks, Muhammad Yunus had expressed interest in wanting to enter politics and form a government during the 2006 -2008 military rule in Bangladesh.

  • Clinton’s CIA

    • It is well known that the Clintons are one of the top people in the Deep State and an unofficial CIA influencer. Yunus is one of the largest funders of Hilary’s Clinton Foundation. And has maintained a close relationship for a Long time.

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  • CIA  Awards those who it wants as a Political figure Head

    • One need not look far to figure out that the Nobel Peace Prize is a Sham run by the Deep State. Obama is the person who bombed a total of 7 countries in the name of democracy. During his tenure US military was accused of the highest Human rights violation throughout the wars. He is the one who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
    • The award is given to those who bring favorable regimes of the Deep State. Yunus also received the 2 highest medals from the US. It shows he is one of the favored ones by the Deep State

Also Read: How The CIA Successfully Did A Coup In Bangladesh

  • “Banker to Poor”:

    • The tagline used by the Deep State to push him as a virtuous figure. It is suspicious that as soon as you search for anything about Yunus “Banker of the Poor” is the only this you are likely to find. This shows the bias the media and the big tech are showing.
  • Younus:A World of Three Zeros’ A Book

    • “The New Economics of Zero Inequality and Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions”, Book. Yunus created microcredit, invented social business, and earned a Nobel Peace Prize for his work in alleviating poverty. Now he declares it’s time to admit that the capitalist engine is broken – that in its current form, it inevitably leads to rampant inequality, massive unemployment, and environmental destruction. We need a new economic system that unleashes altruism as a creative force just as powerful as self-interest.
    • Zero Inequality and Poverty
      • The Microcredit: If he is such a believer in a non-capitalist way he should have provided the money free of cost instead of providing it with Interest.
      • He is accused of forcefully recovering the loans. Called “Bloodsucker of the poor”.
      • He is one of the largest shareholders of Grameen Bank and Telecom. Maybe he should donate that first he wants others to end inequality.
    • Zero Unemployment
      • It is to be seen how he will achieve that when all socialistic societies have failed.
    • Zero Net Carbon Emissions
      • The new carbon talk is a new way of saying colonialism.
      • The West is keen on Carbon Tax because all the patents are in the hands of a few Western companies.
      • The Carbon Tax is the new Jizzia of the West.

Being such a favorite of the Western elite, it is very likely he will walk the path chosen by the few elites. And Socialistic ideas may appear with good intent. He is a person who embodies

Rules For Thee but Not for Me

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