In an explosive turn of events, The Wire’s Arfa Khanum Sherwani has ignited a firestorm of outrage with a brazenly Hinduphobic social media post. Sherwani shared a shockingly morphed image from the beloved movie ‘Baahubali: The Beginning,’ replacing the revered Shivling with a dustbin, and Prabhas with Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. The inflammatory post, captioned “Vision 2047,” has unleashed a tidal wave of anger among Hindus across the nation.
Outrage and Immediate Backlash
The post immediately went viral, drawing ire from all corners. Legal Hindu Defence, a volunteer legal group known for defending Hindu rights, swiftly filed a police complaint against Sherwani, accusing her of inciting communal hatred and disturbing public peace. The complaint asserts that Sherwani’s actions could spark violence and societal unrest, citing violations under sections 352, 353(2), and 293 of the Bhartiya Nyay Sanhita, 2023.
A History of Provocation Arfa Khanum Sherwani
This latest scandal is far from an isolated incident. Arfa Khanum Sherwani has a notorious history of denigrating Hindu symbols and sentiments. Previously, she shared derogatory cartoons of Lord Ram persecuting a Dalit man, and posted inflammatory tweets mocking Hindu traditions with references to ‘gaumutra’ and ‘gobar’. The terms popularised by the Pulwama attacker and Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist, Adil Ahmed Dar.
In 2022, Sherwani made headlines for her vehement calls for legal action against former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma. This was following Sharma’s controversial remarks about Prophet Muhammad during a TV debate. Sherwani’s aggressive stance and inflammatory language have repeatedly placed her at the center of communal controversies.
Public and Legal Ramifications
The scandal has triggered a national debate on social media, with countless users demanding Sherwani’s arrest and prosecution. Legal experts suggest that if found guilty, Sherwani could face severe legal consequences. The incident raises critical questions about the limits of free speech. It is especially when it intersects with deeply held religious beliefs.