Saturday, February 8, 2025

Pakistan Elections 2024: Chaos, Controversy, and Claims of Victory

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Pakistan Elections 2024 was a mockery of democracy! With a disqualified, convicted ex-PM claiming majority, the nation stands at the brink of chaos. The general elections were held in this true-blue third-world nation on 8th Feb 2024 to choose members of its 16th National Assembly. 

The voting process was stained with shooting, booth capturing, blasts, and everything you expect from a ‘Banana Republic’!

As the dust settles on Pakistan’s 2024 general elections, even the vote-counting process is shrouded in clouds of controversy and uncertainty. Pakistan’s democracy is a joke and its election process has descended into a quagmire of allegations, violence, and power plays. A short review of the elections before the results are out!

Pakistan Elections 2024: Disruptions and Irregularities

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Reports of booth capturing and systematic poll rigging in Pakistan Elections 2024 were not a surprise for any Indian! However, this time the Pakistani army outdid itself! A video shared by Arif Ajakia, an ex-mayor of Karachi and human rights activists, shows that the Pakistan Army directly interfered with the elections!

Islamic State claims responsibility for bombings on eve of Pakistan election | Pakistan | The Guardian
PC The Guardian

Two bomb blasts in Balochistan were reported on the eve of the elections. These blasts claimed the lives of 28 Balochis and injured several others.

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Some speculate that the bomb blasts were aimed at deterring voters from participating in the elections. Poll rigging and coercion tactics that were reported in several areas marr the entire electoral process. Pakistani voters faced numerous hurdles, from difficulty in locating polling stations to the absence of their family’s data. The widespread frustration and disillusionment make ‘nationwide unbiased elections’ and Pakistan an oxymoron!

Internet Blackouts and Usurped Ballots

Pakistan election credibility already dented by internet blackout and counting delays amid anxious wait for results | The Independent
PC The Independent

Adding to the turmoil, the Pakistani government chose nationwide internet shutdown. Under claims of preventing misinformation campaigns and riots, the shutdown led to increased chaos. Pakistani voters were unable to access their data or their assigned polling booths due to the lack of transparency in the system! However, despite these troubles, Pakistan saw a fairly large voter turnout in many regions.

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Reports state that the sanctity of the ballot was also compromised in many poll booths. Various gangs and security forces clashed in many booths. A true mockery of the entire democratic process was the story of Pakistan Elections 2024! 

Premature Victory Claims in Pakistan Elections 2024

Pakistan election results rigged? What's claimed as Imran Khan's PTI- backed candidates lead Nawaz Sharif's party | Mint
PC Mint

The biggest joke, amidst the election turmoil, came when Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan, both claimed victory even before the counting of votes was complete. Both leaders are former Prime Ministers of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif was controversially acquitted for corruption to contest this election, while Imran Khan is in jail! However, Sharif’s journey to power will be riddled by lawsuits, if his party wins the elections or forms the government!

Tech-savvy Imran Khan claimed victory via an AI-generated video! This video was circulated after Nawaz Sharif claimed victory! The PTI is unable to contest elections under its party symbol. Most PTI leaders have fought this election as independents candidates. The party continues to function under the dubious leadership of Gohar Khan, with ample help from Imran Khan’s AI generated videos to boost public sympathy. Until 9th Feb ’24 evening, Imran Khan’s PTI was leading in many seats across the nation. However, they suddenly lost their leads on the 10th Feb ’24 morning! Many speculate that counting delays indicate a possible fraud in the counting process. Thus, PTI and its supporters are unable to accept these shocking victories of other parties. Consequently, nationwide protests are rocking Pakistan in Peshawar and other areas.

They shout: ‘Hum leke rahenge Azadi,

Hum Chheen ke lenge Azadi,

Mere khoon se likh Do Azaadi’!

Pakistan Elections 2024 and The West  

Surprisingly, some Western powers have already accepted these half-counted results, raising questions about their commitment to democratic principles. The UK and EU express reservations regarding the fairness of the elections. They cite complaints of electoral fraud and a lack of inclusivity.

The US, on the other hand, has indicated its intention to collaborate with the elected government to foster a robust bilateral relationship. Despite its doubts on the fairness of the election process, the US is ready to forgive and forget!

Looking Ahead

Pakistan is grappling with the aftermath of yet another tumultuous election process. Some journalists question the future of democracy in the nation. The jailed Imran Khan is banned from holding any political office for the next 10 years. Nawaz Sharif, a three-time PM, faces many legal hurdles in claiming the PM’s seat again. With allegations of rigging, violence, and premature claims of victory Pakistan elections 2024 were a nail-biting farce for all.

Unfortunately for Bharat, having Pakistan as its neighbor is not negotiable. Thus, its electoral process and results affect Bharat’s geopolitical situation. Hopefully, Pakistan’s political path will not create instability in Bharat’s upcoming elections. Pakistan’s elections are a ‘Black Demo’ that showcases what not to do in a democracy! Moreover, they highlight the importance of replacing ballots with EVMs! Let’s show this Banana Republic how to conduct fair nationwide elections for 1.4 billion people! Looking forward to Bharat’s great political mahayagya, general elections 2024!

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