Sunday, February 16, 2025

J&K: Minor Girl Raped And Peaceful SHO Lathi Charges Protesters

Must Read

On August 18th, a 15-year-old Hindu girl was raped and abducted by a Muslim man in Marwah in J&K. After the villagers rescued the girl they protested against the growing threat to their minor school-going girls.

Instead of justice, the protesters get brutally lathi-charged by SHO Police Inspector Zaheer Iqbal, injuring one of the Woman protesters.

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Villager’s Response 

Following the sexual assault, angry villagers ransacked the house of the accused. Who fled along with his family, said the SDM. “However, when the family returned on Monday, the situation again took an ugly turn as villagers tried to attack them,” he added

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The SDM said he visited the village in a bid to defuse the situation.

Brotherhood Higher Than Police Responsibility

Not only do the police ignore the plight of minority Hindus who are protesting, the SHO ordered a lathi charge on protesters. It is not surprising that a Muslim officer tried to protect the accused, after all it’s Muslim brotherhood against the Kafirs.

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Only after the videos went viral the police had no option but to act on it so local SDM ordered a magisterial probe, and the SHO inspector Zaheer Iqbal was also attached to the probe.

And a FIR had been registered under the POSCO Act and two youths have been detained.

The district police gave an update on X about the ongoing process.

Referring to videos circulating on social media, SDM said a group of 20-30 women, who were participating in a protest, “were stopped and being pacified, but due to resistance, one girl got injured”.

This showed that Hindus raising their voices to demand justice will be silenced by the administration. As is the case in West Bengal. Unless it is big enough it will be passed off. So Hindus must raise their voice.

Also Read: The Never-Ending Nightmare for Women in West Bengal

Sanatan Dharam Sabha of J&K at the Forefront

Condemning the incident, Sanatan Dharam Sabha Dachhan of J&K submitted a memorandum to the DM, SSP, and Deputy Commissioner. The memorandum demands the following:

  1. Severe punishment for the culprits.
  2. Security for the minority Hindu community in the Hanzel and Chanjer areas.
  3. Alternative arrangement so that girls don’t have to travel long districts through forest areas to reach school.

A Wake-Up Call

Hindus, the majority population of Bharat, are not safe in the land of their forefathers. Thus, in places where they are in minority the situation becomes worse. Even in Muslim-dominant states like J&K, Hindus suffer unimaginable oppression. Consequently, one can only imagine the situation for Hindus in places like Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Hindus must understand that no amount of education or social integration will change the mentality of the “Peacefuls”.

The ‘religion above all’ concept towers over reason and humanity for “peacefuls”!

This is especially obvious in this situation in J&K. Here the Muslim Inspector considered his responsibility to his fellow Muslim in higher than the demand for justice to a minor Hindu Girl. Therefore, “peacefuls” do not look at the caster or creed of a Kafir Hindu, the religion is enough to invite unchecked violence. Let’s hope this incident awakens the Sleeping Sanatanis of Bharat to understand that unity is the only hope for the survival of Hindus in the vicinity of “peacefuls”!

When will the Hindus wake up from the dream that Peacefuls consider us as Humans?

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