Monday, February 10, 2025

All India Muslim Personal Law Board’s Outrageous Act

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All India Muslim Personal Law Board’s outrageous act amidst the Israel-Hamas war puts at peril the safety & sanctity of Bharat’s peace 

That the All India Muslim Personal Law Board is a regressive body is not doubtful at all.

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At best they are reactionaries, at worst their mentality reeks of mindset of Medieval Arabia.

But the ongoing Israel-Hamas war has brought out a new dimension in the shamelessness of that regressive institution.

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This act of the AIMPLB has crossed all limits of civility and directly comprises the position of the Indian government in the complex conflict that has roiled West Asia.

The remnants of hope with the AIMPLB is gone.

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The Outrageous Act

The All India Muslim Personal Law Board has released a shocking press release, dated 10th October, 2023.

The press release not only condemns the position of the Indian government’s support for Israel in its hour of need but also supported the Hamas attack.

The press release, written in Urdu also went on to pledge the AIMPLB’s support for Palestine and called on the Muslims of India to “pray for the Palestinians & read the Qunoot-e-Nazila”.

This is the controversial press release of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board.

The press release clearly is outrageous and the content is vitriolic enough to make any sane thinking Indian fume with anger.

What does it signify about the AIMPLB?

The All India Muslim Personal Law Board’s disgusting press release shows that they have no regard for Bharatiya values.

They have utter contempt for Bharat’s civilizational ethos.

The AIMPLB also didn’t support the central government’s banning of triple talaq, arguing that the centre was tinkering with Muslim personal law.

But the broader issue at hand is the egregious support that the AIMPLB has received from the liberal Lutyens quarters.

The AIMPLB’s press release is indicative of their amnesiac attitude regarding the Islamic persecution of Jews.

The AIMPLB also forgot about the inhuman atrocities committed by Hamas against Israel.

But what more can be expected from an anti-national body like the AIMPLB.

It is imperative that the All India Muslim Personal Law Board’s outrageous act be condemned and legal steps must be taken to preclude them from disturbing Bharat’s societal peace.

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