In a case that has shocked the conscience of French people, a 29 year old French woman by brutally raped by an Algerian migrant, this has become the Nirbhaya of France
The brutality of the 2012 Nirbhaya gang-rape case of Delhi is horrific enough to make any individual faint. The monstrosity of the crime is unparalled.
This time, however, a crime of similar magnitude has occured in France.
What is the Case?
In a case that has made national headlines in France due to the level of brutality, a 29-year-old French woman Mégane has now awoken after being raped into a coma with a broomstick by Oumar Ndiaye, who has been dubbed “the monster of Cherbourg” by politician Damien Rieu.
The ghastly nature of the case is egregious enough to give sleepless nights to any sane minded individual.
This incident does highlight two problems-the unrestricted nature of European immigration and the failure of the French state.
Let’s understand both.
Immigration-The Main Issue
The European Union prided themselves in being a open and ‘inclusive’ grouping that allows liberal immigration.
But what this liberal immigration regime brought for the ordinary people?
Nothing but tears and threats to the life of the common people. Remember what transpired in France just a month back?
Riots perpetrated by the members of the really ‘peaceful’ community that left several provinces paralysed and saw the largest public library in Marseille being charred to the ground.
Today, the ‘peaceful’ community is wrecking havoc in every single part of Europe. One of the main causes is the liberal immigration regime.
Pakistanis, Syrians, Algerians and people of other nationalities are making a mockery of the law and order throughout Europe.
It is high time that the French government realise the gravity of the problem and imitate what Poland is doing.
Failure of the French State
The horrific rape case highlights the incompetence of the French state.
The bumbling response to the incident is an absolute mockery of the French idea of justice. It, is therefore, high time that the far-right government under Marine La Pen‘s National Rally be voted to power by the people of France to deal with this issue of immigration.
May Ishwar ensure the speedy recovery of the woman and the culprit be given the strictest of punishment under French law.
The case of the Nirbhaya of France should become an example for the rest of Europe to toughen up immigration rules, at least for the people from the ‘peaceful’ community.