Monday, February 10, 2025

Anti-India Sleeper Cells of the Global Deep State?

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Did you know that from ISI Pakistan to CIA, all have used political parties to undermine India for decades? Lets unbox the Deep State!

Sam Pitroda has been made famous by pre-Modi era media as the man who revolutionized telecom sector in India. But he is a persona of many faces and many hands!

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GKI and FRLHT: Two Headed Snakes of the Deep State

In October 2009, while Sam Pitroda was appointed as the advisor to the then Prime Minister of India, he was busy on another initiative – he was founding his own NGO in the USA – the Global Knowledge Initiative. There are two other co-founders of GKI: Nina V. Fedoroff and Sara Farley.

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From 2007 to 2010, Nina was the advisor to the then administrator Rajiv Shah for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Rajiv Shah is the President of the Rockefeller Foundation and administrator of USAID under Obama Presidency.

Sara Farley – the third co-founder of Sam Pitroda’s NGO, is the Vice President, of Food Initiative, at The Rockefeller Foundation. It is, therefore, apparent that both Sara Farley and Nina Fedoroff are deeply entrenched with the US government (USAID specifically) and the Rockefeller Foundation.

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Pitroda also co-founded ‘Foundation for Revitalizing of Local Health Traditions’ (FRLHT).

Who Feeds the Snakes?

According to the GKI website, USAID, The Rockefeller Foundation, the US Department of State and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation fund the GKI.

The Rockefeller Foundation is essentially an arm of the US deep state to fulfill its political interests in foreign countries, as is the USAID. It is interesting that both these organizations fund the NGO of Sam Pitroda, who in turn is extremely close to Rahul Gandhi, who then goes abroad and asks the US to affect regime change in India – talks organized by Sam Pitroda.

The funding partners of the FRLHT are all the usual suspects, namely the Ford Foundation and Equator Initiative. USAID, SAIL FAMILY FOUNDATION fund the NGO.

Interestingly, one of the funding partners of FRLHT is Hans Foundation, founded by Manoj Bhargava. He has funded US Democrats and Attorneys while under investigation by the US Courts.

Say Hello to Podesta, Manfort and Fai!

John Podesta is a veteran of the US Politics and White house administration. He runs the ‘Podesta Group’, a Lobbying firm for foreign governments for their influence in the US. Paul Manfort is an old ISI, Pakistan asset in the US.

In 1990 Paul Manfort colluded with ISI hand Gulam Nabi Fai to create Kashmiri American Council for lobbying for Free Kashmir as per Pakistan and ISI agenda. In 1994, he visited India on a tourist visa and traveled to Kashmir without authorization. Gulam Nabi Fai and Hizbul Mujahidin founder Sayed Salahuddin are childhood friends.

Interestingly UPA Govt. hired Podesta Group propped up by ISI frontman Paul Manfort for lobbying on behalf of Govt of India in Washington DC.

A Buffet of Traitors: Sycophants of the Deep State

Indo American Muslim Council hosts regular seminars and events for anti India campaigning. A picture of Sarita Pandey and Rahul Gandhi: she is the wife of Ajeet Sahi- advocacy director of Indo American Muslim council.

Indo American Muslim Council and Hindus for Human Rights coordinate with Council for American Islamic relations (CAIR), having links to Hamas.

The picture below concludes the working of the Congress-Deep State regime change nexus. Rahul Gandhi held a meeting with members of IAMC and Sunita Vishwanathan- a George Soros proxy.





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