Thursday, January 16, 2025

Narayana Narratives: From Shri Krishna to Shri Kalki Avataar

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The Sanatan world celebrates Janmashtami, the birth of Shri Narayana as Bhagwan Krishna, with great joy. However, this day not only reminds the devoutees of Madan Mohan’s divine birth. Janmashtami also reminds Sanatani that divine birth is cyclic in nature. Bhagwan Krishna, the eighth avataar of Vishnu, came to earth during a time of great turmoil. He restored dharma, but his work did not mark the end of the cosmic cycle.

The life of Bhagwan Krishna was a path for Sanatanis to follow. And at its end, he left a promise of another incarnation in the future. The Purana tells Sanatanis of the start of Kali Yuga when Bhagwan Krishna left for his heavenly abode. It also spoke of when this Yuga reached its darkest phase – Vishnu will descend once again as Kalki, the final avataar of Shri Narayana. The 10th Narayana incarnation will cleanse the world, just as Shri Krishna did during the Mahabharata era.

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Narayana Narrative: Divine Prophecy of Kalki’s Birth

The rebirth of Shri Narayana has always given hope to the millions of Sanatanis throughout history. And the Shrimad Bhagavatam Purana explains the cyclic nature of his divine birth! The current age of Kali Yuga awaits the rebirth of Shri Narayana as Kalki Avataar. And, the Kalki Purana offers further insights into the prophecies of the 10th Narayana Avataar to end Kali Yuga.

Shrimad Bhagavatam Purana Prophecies:

श्रीमद् भागवत पुराण - Shrimad Bhagavat Purana | Exotic India Art
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The legends of Shri Narayana are encapsulated in the Shrimad Bhagavatam Purana. Here the lessons of the past and the hope of the future are written for Sanatanis to gain inspiration and spiritual resilience. This Purana speaks of Shri Krishna as well the the much-awaited Kalki Avataar! Here are a few shlokas that talk of Bhagwan Kalki’s birth: 

यदावतीर्णो भगवान् कल्किर्धर्मपतिर्हरि: ।

कृतं भविष्यति तदा प्रजासूतिश्च सात्त्विकी ॥

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Shrimad Bhagavatam 12.2.23

Meaning: When Bhagwan Kalki, the preserver of dharma, Hari (or Narayana), descends on earth, the Satya Yuga will begin. And the people will be born with pure and virtuous qualities.

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Implied Meaning: This shloka emphasizes that the arrival of Kalki will mark the beginning of a Satya Yuga or the era of righteousness. It shows that humanity and Dharma will be restored to a state of purity and goodness.

यदा चन्द्रश्च सूर्यश्च तथा तिष्यबृहस्पती ।

एकराशौ समेष्यन्ति भविष्यति तदा कृतम् ॥

Shrimad Bhagwatam 12.2.24 

Meaning: When the Moon, the Sun, and Jupiter are in conjunction with the Tishya or Pushya (in Cancer or Karkata rashi) under the same sign, then the Satya Yuga, or the age of truth and righteousness will begin.

Implied Meaning: These shlokas give the exact cosmic alignment of celestial bodies as per Sanatana Astronomy. This conjunction of planets predicts the onset of Satya Yuga; a time of truth, righteousness, and purity. 

Kalki Purana Prophecy:

Kalki: The Tenth And Final Avatar of Lord Vishnu
PC Vedic Feed

The Kalki Purana offers clear guidance about Kalki’s appearance in this world. The Purna Avataar of Shri Krishna wor many hats; from a mischievous cowherd to a grand statesman for the Pandavas for Dharma. However, in Kali Yuga, Shri Nayraya shall take on his form of Kalki – born into a world of strife as a skilled warrior. And the motive for his birth shall be to destroy Kali and restore Dharma to begin the era of Satya Yuga!

तच् छ्रुत्वा पुण्डरीकाक्षो ब्रह्माणम् इदम् अब्रवीत् ।

शम्भले विष्णुयशसो गृहे प्रादुर्भवाम्य् अहम् ।

सुमत्यां मातरि विभो! कन्यायां त्वन्निदेशतः ॥

Kalki Purana 2.4

Meaning: Lord Vishnu, the lotus-eyed one, says to Brahma that in the house of Vishnuyasha, in the village of Shambhala, he shall manifest in an avataar. He shall take birth from the womb of Sumati

 Implied Meaning: This shoka describes Shri Narayana’s declaration to Lord Brahma himself. Here he promises to incarnate as Bhagwan Kalki in the village of Shambhala, born to Vishnuyasha and Sumati, to fulfill his divine duty to Dharma.

From Shri Krishna to Shri Kalki


The purpose of Shri Narayana Avataars is to stand by the Sanatana Dharma. Hence, the predictions of the last avataar of Shri Narayana as Kalki is a causal response to time under the influence of Kali.

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The birth of Shri Krishna is a day of joy to celebrate the coming of Shri Narayana himself. Thereby, Sanatanis rejoice the events that rid the world of injustice and ensured the path of righteousness wins the war of Mahabharata. However, Shri Krishna, at the end of the Mahabharata war, also promises Sanatanis his return to restore Dharma.

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।

अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्। 

Bhagavad Gita, 4.7

Meaning: Whenever there is a decline in Dharma and a rise in unrighteousness, I (Shri Narayana) manifest myself to rid the world of evil and Adharma!

Hence the promise of Kalki’s birth echoes Shri Krishna’s own words. The mission of any avataar of Narayana is to protect true Bhakts and restore the balance of Dharma when the world loses its way.

Shri Krishna’s Janmashtami: A Reminder of the Divine Cycle

Janmashtami Celebration ગોવિંદાઓને 'ફૂલ-પ્રુફ' સુરક્ષા, મળશે ક્રેનની સુવિધાઃ પાલિકાને કડક સૂચનાઓ અપાઇ - મુંબઈ સમાચાર
PC Mumbai Samachar

Janmashtami is the celebration of Shri Krishna’s birth. However, beyond the Dahi-Handi and the stories of Maakhan-chor, it reminds the world of many things. At Janmashtami, Sanatanis exult at the divine intervention that shaped the world during the Dwapara Yuga. They celebrate Shri Krishna’s Leela and his role in guiding humanity back to Dharma. However, every Janmashtami serves as a reminder that the legend of Shri Narayana is yet to come to an end.

Dashavatar as imagined by AI : r/IndianArtAI
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Shri Narayan’s work continues in each age, and the future birth of Shri Kalki assures us that divine intervention is always near. As Shri Krishna’s purpose was to establish dharma through war, wisdom, diplomacy, and love. May the Kalki avataar be the divine force to rid the world of evil and prepare it for a new era. Hence, the festival of Janmashtami is not only a time to reflect on Bhagwan Krishna’s past deeds but also a reminder of the eternal cosmic cycle.

May Bhagwan Kalki continue Shri Krishna’s work, but in a way that suits the darker age of Kali Yuga. It is through these avataars that Shri Narayana, the preserver, maintains the balance of the universe. These prophecies, combined with the teachings of Bhagwan Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, point to the endless cycle of birth and rebirth, creation and destruction. Hence, let Sanatanis celebrate Janmashtami not only in remembrance of Shri Krishna’s past but also in anticipation of Shri Kalki’s future. Let Shri Narayana’s divine presence always be with this Sansaar, guiding and protecting through wisdom, love, or force.

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