Sunday, February 16, 2025

Chhattisgarh Maa Bamleshwari Temple Desecrated: How Long Will Hindus Stay Silent?

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The Maa Bamleshwari Devi Temple in Dongargarh, Chhattisgarh is the latest victim of inclusive “peaceful” practices. This centuries-old revered temple is perched on a hill. It is a sacred site that draws thousands of devotees from across the country, especially during Navratri. Sanatanis climb its 1,100 steps to seek the blessings of the Mother Goddess. The deity, Maa Bamleshwari, is believed to be a powerful protector. Thus, her temple is a symbol of divine feminine strength.

Yet, even in such a hallowed space, there are shocking attempts to desecrate what Hindus hold sacred.

On 26th September 2024, a horrifying discovery was made by the FDA. They raided a poultry farm owned by “peaceful” Mazhar Khan and discovered that Prasad for this temple was being produced here. This farm, in the Raka village, was manufacturing Prasad in unsanitary conditions with no oversight or authorization. These packets of Prasad were sold in the shops surrounding the temple. Apart from the question of hygiene, the Prasad was made in the same place where poultry was being raised. Moreover, this “peaceful” Prasad factory operated without a license. And the ingredients, such as cardamom seeds, were processed in filthy conditions. This revelation raises a fundamental question: how much more will Hindus tolerate?

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Chhattisgarh: A Sacred Temple, Defiled by Greed

Maa Bamleshwari Temple History Significance of Hindu Mandir in Dongargarh | Maa Bamleshwari Temple: मां बम्लेश्वरी देवी देती हैं जीवनदान, मध्य प्रदेश के इस धाम के पीछे हैं छिपी है एक ...

Maa Bamleshwari Temple in Chhattisgarh is not just another religious site. It holds centuries of tradition and is a seat of divine energy. According to local lore, Maa Bamleshwari is believed to grant protection from evil forces and has been a source of unwavering faith for her devotees. However, the sanctity of this Chhattisgarh temple was put at risk when “peaceful” Mazhar Khan decided to take advantage of the temple ecosystem illegally. This Muslim vendor was operating an illegal factory to supply Prasad.

His “peaceful” poultry farm, filled with unhygienic conditions, was churning packets of Prasad that made their way into the temple ecosystem.

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The Prasad, meant to be a sacred offering to the Goddess, was being manufactured in a place of filth. Thereby, showing that the vendor went after only profits without regard for Hindu religious sensibilities. The FDA found that the packets bore labels claiming they were produced in a “clean and pure environment,” a blatant lie!

Further investigation revealed that the “peaceful” Prasad factory lacked the necessary permits and the operation was entirely illegal.

How can a temple of such importance allow this? Why was there no oversight from the temple administration or local authorities? This is more than just a failure of regulation – it is an attack on the faith of millions.

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Are Hindu Temples Always the Scapegoat?

Maa Bamleshwari Prasad Making In Poultry Farm : छत्तीसगड येथील मां बमलेश्‍वरी देवीच्या मंदिर परिसरात विकण्यात येणारा प्रसाद पोल्ट्री फार्ममध्ये बनत असल्याचे ...
PC Sanatan Prabhat

This shocking incident subtly mirrors the scandal of the Tirupati Tirumala Temple Laddu. The adulterated Tirupati Prasad was not an isolated incident of neglect. Instead, it revealed a broader pattern where Hindu temples and religious practices are repeatedly targeted. While churches and mosques remain fiercely protected, Hindu places of worship become the scapegoat of so-called secularism.

Why is it that Hindu religious sentiments are constantly trampled upon? Why do secular and leftist forces not rise in outrage when Hindu temples are desecrated? When temples like Maa Bamleshwari or Tirupati fall prey to such scandals, the silence of the intellectual elite is deafening.

Instead, Hindus are told to remain calm and turn the other cheek! But how long can this continue?

Sanatanis must ask ourselves: Is Hindu Dharma being offered as a sacrifice at the altar of inclusivity? When a “peaceful” Muslim vendor like Mazhar Khan is allowed to produce Prasad for a sacred Hindu temple, does he do it out of respect for Hindu religion or just profit? Moreover, why is there a lack of any form of regulation or accountability? All of these incidents show a dangerous precedent in place.

The Call for a ‘Sanatana Rakshana Board’

The Jaipur Dialogues on X: "Pawan Kalyan Calls For Sanatana Dharma Rakshana Board To Protect The Sanctity Of Hindu Temples!" / X
PC The Jaipur Dialogues

The desecration of the Maa Bamleshwari Temple is a wake-up call. After the horrifying Beef tallow and fish oil incident in Tirupati Laddu, the deviant system of desecration stands exposed. Hence, it is time for Hindus to take matters into their own hands. There is a pressing need for a Sanatana Rakshana Board. This national-level body would ensure that only practicing and devout Hindus are allowed to manage and benefit from the temple ecosystem.

Sanatanis need a board that would set strict guidelines for how temples operate and who is allowed to produce Prasad, participate in rituals, and run businesses in the temple vicinity.

Why should non-believers and opportunists like “peaceful” Mazhar Khan be allowed to profit from the devotion of millions of Hindus? And why should those who have no respect for our sacred traditions be entrusted with the task of preparing holy offerings?

Hindus must demand the protection of their faith. Temples are not mere tourist attractions or sources of revenue; they are the center of Dharma. If Sanatanis do not protect them, who will? Thus, it is time for Hindus to stand up and say: enough is enough!!

Hence, the desecration of the Maa Bamleshwari Temple in Chhattisgarh is not just a local issue – it is a national disgrace. Today, it’s Maa Bamleshwari; tomorrow, it could be another sacred temple. Thus, let’s be fair – Hindu Dharam is under attack! And the sooner Sanatnis face this fact, the better it is for all. Why should someone who does not follow the faith be trusted with something as sacred as Prasad? Therefore, this is not a question of religion – it is a question of respect and reverence. Hindus must demand accountability, not just from those involved but from the temple authorities and the state government as well.

The time has come for every Hindu to voice their outrage. If Sanatanis do not act now, Hindu temples, faith, and identity will continue to be trampled upon.

The time to protect Sanatana Dharma is now.

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