A school in Begusarai, Bihar, has become the epicenter of controversy. A “peaceful” teacher, Mohammad Ziauddin, claimed that Hindu deities Lord Ram and Shri Hanuman were Muslims who used to offer Namaz. When the epic of Ramayana was written, Islam was not even born in the Middle East! Thus, the claim and the statement were blatantly incorrect and seemed like an effort of Grooming Jihad.
The incendiary statement by the “peaceful” ignited protests from outraged parents, villagers, and even political leaders. Although, the “peaceful” apologized later under pressure, does it wash away the sin of trying to Islamize Hindu Deities? Is this an innocent mistake or a deliberate attempt to distort religious history? Or was it an attempt to confuse young minds to allow ease of conversion in the community?
Bihar “Peaceful” Distorted Ramayana In The Classroom
This is how they groom Hindu boys and girls for Islamic conversion right from school. Such activities are far more rampant than we realise. This news report is recent pic.twitter.com/XNTpjreqFi
— Swati Goel Sharma (@swati_gs) October 10, 2024
Mohammad Ziauddin as a teacher at Utkramit Madhya Vidyalaya Kadarabad chose to shock and ‘groom’ his seventh-grade class. He claimed that Lord Ram and his devotee Shri Hanuman were Muslims who practiced Namaz. The statement left the students of his class bewildered.
As the students shared the bizarre lesson with their parents, it triggered outrage in Bihar that quickly escalated.
Begusarai में Teacher जियाउद्दीन ने भगवान हनुमान को बताया मुसलमान, मचा बवाल#Begusarai #Begusarai #hanuman #hanumanji #muslim #controversy #viral pic.twitter.com/mSYrWMPFLE
— BSTV MP-CG (@BSTVdigital) October 10, 2024
By the next morning, angry parents and villagers stormed the school, demanding answers. According to students, “Peaceful” Ziauddin had insisted that Hanuman was the first Hindu to offer Namaz, under Lord Ram’s instructions. This was a blatant lie as Islam as a religion was born in the 6th century AD and just the text of the legend of Ramayana was written in the 7th century BCE. Thus, the epic was written nearly 1000 years before the birth of Prophet Mohammed. Hence, the distortion of religious history by this “peaceful” Teacher in Bihar was enough to spark protests not only from the parents but even from his own colleagues.
Does An Apology Forgive The “Peaceful” Agenda In Bihar?
Begusarai, Bihar: Government school teacher Ziyauddin told students that Hanuman ji was a Muslim, the first person on earth to offer Namaz, and that Bhagwan Ram asked him to do so!
Activists reached the school and protested; action is awaited.
However, what action can be taken… pic.twitter.com/DOxjYZcKEz
— Subhi Vishwakarma (@subhi_karma) October 10, 2024
Faced with mounting pressure and protests, Ziauddin apologized, calling his statement a “mistake.” He begged for forgiveness, stating, “I taught these things by mistake. This won’t happen again.“ However, the apology fell on deaf ears. For the enraged villagers, this was no small error. It was an affront to their faith and was a calculated attempt to disrespect Hindu gods and rewrite sacred history.
As a History Teacher, this “peaceful” was aware of the lies he was spreading with his statement.
Controversy over declaring Prabhu Hanuman as Muslim in a muslim school in Begusarai, Bihar.
The case is of Haripur Kadarabad School, where a teacher named Ziauddin was teaching the children that Lord Hanuman used to offer Namaaz. pic.twitter.com/jIdgW1QpcT
— Megh Updates 🚨™ (@MeghUpdates) October 9, 2024
Yet, he chose to Islamize Hindu Gods in the minds of his naive and gullible students. This is not his first forey into insulting Hindu religious feelings. In 2016, reportedly, he made unfavorable statements about Maa Ganga and asked his students to think why Maa Ganga allowed people to drown in her waters. Therefore, this incident is not a mistake and the teacher should not be forgiven. Would he tolerate a similar statement regarding Islam? Would he like to tell his Muslim students that He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named always did Sandhya Aarti For Maa Shakti? No. Such statements would trigger a nationwide STSJ against anyone who makes such a claim, even as a joke! Therefore, why should a “peaceful” be allowed to get away by simply stating that he was sorry!!
बेगूसराय -हनुमान जी मुसलमान थे और नमाज पढ़ते थे, राम ने उनसे नमाज पढ़वाया था, सरकारी स्कूल में टीचर बच्चों को पढाया, मचा भारी बवाल@girirajsinghbjp #Bihar #Biharnews @BJP4Bihar @samrat4bjp @VijayKrSinhaBih pic.twitter.com/y31MZGOGay
— FirstBiharJharkhand (@firstbiharnews) October 9, 2024
Being a Teacher, such “peacefuls,” gain access to young and impressionable minds.
It would be foolish to allow him to continue to have access to students as a history teacher when he can make such blunderous errors in his words! Even the Union Minister Giriraj Singh quickly stepped in and took note of the act. He condemned the words and the act of this “peaceful”. He urged the CM of Bihar to take strict action against the teacher. “This isn’t just an insult to Hindu deities, it’s an attempt to spread hatred in society,” Singh said, calling for the immediate removal of “peaceful” Ziauddin.
हनुमान जी मुसलमान थे और नमाज पढ़ते थे विवाद पर भड़के केंद्रीय मंत्री गिरिराज सिंह। कहा, ऐसे टीचर पर चले देश द्रोह का मुकदमा। बेगूसराय में एक सरकारी स्कूल में पढ़ाया राम और हनुमान पढ़ते थे नमाज।@girirajsinghbjp #BiharNews #Begusarai pic.twitter.com/gOfC3I3u7i
— FirstBiharJharkhand (@firstbiharnews) October 10, 2024
More Than a ‘Mistake’?
This “peaceful” controversy doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It is a growing concern that radical elements are infiltrating education systems, injecting misleading narratives to undermine Hindu beliefs. In a country as diverse as India, such statements aren’t just controversial. They are dangerous groundwork laid by the “peaceful” to make conversions easy.
By distorting religious figures, Ziauddin isn’t just teaching false history; he’s paving the way for Quam to convert these young minds.
What’s worse, such incidents are part of a larger pattern. Across the country, there are attempts to groom vulnerable young minds, using historical figures and cultural icons as tools to spread misinformation. A certain section spews hate on Hindu historical figures like Savarkar. And the “peaceful” section employs various Jihads; like Grooming Jihad, Love Jihad, etc; to catch the unaware Hindus at an early age. This distortion of Hindu religious figures is another grooming tactic. Such words and actions often target minds to sow doubt regarding Sanatana Dharma and those who may not question authority in the classroom.
A Wake-Up Call For Sanatana Society
The outrage in Begusarai, Bihar serves as a wake-up call for Sanatanis everywhere. It’s not just about protesting against one “peaceful” teacher. It’s about recognizing a larger agenda to distort religion, history, and culture. Sanatani parents, teachers, and communities need to ensure that education stays truthful, respectful, and factual.
Sanatan Dharma is built on timeless values and deep wisdom. Hence, the next generation must carry forward this legacy with pride, not confusion. If radicals can rewrite the story of Lord Ram and Shri Hanuman in a classroom, what’s next? It’s high time to act. Protect the minds of the young, keep history pure, and stand up against those who would twist it for their own gain.