Sagar reported the sighting to authorities and transported the body to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), where doctors pronounced her dead. Inspector Bachchu Mia oversees the case, which has been officially reported to the Hatirjheel police station.
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Last Messages of Rahanuma Sarah
Rahanuma Sarah’s last Facebook status, posted on the night of August 27, delivered a poignant farewell and suggested she was in a troubled state of mind.
“It is better to die than to live a life akin to death,” she had earlier declared in a post.
Her family and friends grapple with the shock. Her spouse, Sayed Shubhra, revealed they had planned to finalize their divorce. They could not do so due to the ongoing national turmoil. He reported that he learned about her tragic end around 3 am. Sayed stated that she had allegedly jumped into the lake.
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Political Ramifications and Freedom of Expression
The death has stirred significant controversy. Sajeeb Wazed, the son of ousted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, has condemned the event as a “brutal attack” on freedom of expression in Bangladesh. Wazed shared his remarks on X, highlighting the political tensions surrounding the incident.
The current crisis has fueled escalating violence, particularly against the Hindu minority, which complicates the situation further. The incident has prompted questions about the safety of journalists and the broader implications for press freedom in Bangladesh.