The bizarre case of March 15 is sure to make every Sanatani laugh out loud given the irony regarding the significance of the day
March 15 is supposed to be one of the most hilarious days that the United Nations and the global community observe.
While the Gregorian calendar has some important occasion on every date of the calendar, this day’s significance is clearly a bizarre one.
We have important dates like International Tiger Day, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, International Environment Day, this date is supposed to the most insignificant and terrible one.
How can the international community be so imbecile in choosing to allocate this date to matter which is the cause of suffering of so many people around the world.
The Mystery Of March 15
March 15 is observed as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.
Yes, you, the reader have seen this right, to combat Islamophobia.
On this day, four years ago, a person in New Zealand stormed into two mosques, armed with assault rifles and pistols. 51 people lost their lives.
Since then, the international community has designated this date to combat ‘Islamophobia’.
But a very interesting issue arises here-why is there a need to combat Islamophobia when Islam are the cause of global phobia.
A Terrible Source Of Fear
The troublemaking members of the ‘peaceful community’ belong to Islam.
Since its inception in the 7th century, Islam has been responsible for the deaths, persecutions and slavery of millions.
On top of that, terrorism today is dominated by Islamist terrorism. The 9/11, 7/7, 26/11 attacks were all organized by terror groups preaching Islam.
But the most ironic thing is that the West doesn’t have the guts to call out the root cause of terrorism.
The Left-liberal lobby in the West and other countries in the world have argued that Islam must not be blamed for the cause of global terrorism.
Well then, all these and the continuing attacks on Israel organized by Hamas, Hezbollah etc are carried being out by whom?
Certainly not ghosts or atheists or people of other monotheistic or polytheistic faiths.
They are all being carried out by terror groups preaching Islam.
There is little doubt that Islam is the cause of global phobia. There is not an iota of doubt a major portion of the global population feel it that way.
Hence the bizarre case of March 15 must evoke some hilarious reaction in different anti-woke intellectual circles globally.