The arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov by French authorities shocked the world. However, analysts believe that this arrest was not just a legal action. It was a critical maneuver in the Deep State’s broader strategy to assert control over global communication platforms.
Telegram has over 1 billion users and they are increasing by the minute! However, this social media platform created in the US to propagate its agenda is now an uncontrollable tool for Free Speech! Thus, once viewed as a useful tool by the US Deep State, Telegram is a significant threat to their grip on global narratives. Hence, Pavel Durov’s arrest signals that the war on free speech is intensifying. The Deep State seems determined to suppress platforms that challenge their preferred truths!
Telegram – From CIA Tool To Free Speech Nightmare
Telegram was initially carved by the US State Department and the plan was drafted by the CIA. Until internet use was restricted, expensive, and elite in nature; such programs were used by the CIA. The Telegram channels were an ideal platform for covert operations in foreign states. Its encrypted messaging system and widespread user base made it a perfect tool for destabilizing governments in countries like Iran, Russia, and Belarus. Hence, the U.S. intelligence community saw Telegram as a way to foster dissent and amplify narratives aligned with their geopolitical goals.
Straight out of a Benzpill lecture, the piece begins by lauding how wonderful Telegram is for (CIA-backed) rent-a-riots in Belarus, Iran, & in Russia itself. It applauded Telegram’s 2014-2020 era bc Pavel never gave in to the foreign gov’ts the CIA was using Telegram to topple.
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) August 28, 2024
However, the unregulated environment in Telegram soon allowed voices from all spectrums to thrive, including those opposing U.S. interests.
What began as a controlled experiment in digital influence quickly spiraled into a free-for-all. And Telegram users bypassed traditional media and government censorship to share uncensored content. This newfound freedom of expression of the masses became a nightmare for the Deep State. Why? because it undermined their ability to control global discourse. The arrest of Durov is a direct response to this loss of control, aiming to stifle a platform that has become too independent for their liking.
Why is Telegram’s CEO’s Arrest Suspicious?
Putin is using Telegram as a weapon.
Former State Department official Michael Benz: "Radio Free Europe, which was created by the CIA thinks that Ukraine is losing because Russia controls Telegram"
— Olga Bazova (@OlgaBazova) August 29, 2024
- The claim is that the Telegram chat rooms are used for money laundereing, drug trafficking, and child sexual abuse. However, the chats are encrypted and the social media platform is not propogating this type of use. Telegram’s official status is of abiding by EU regulations for usage and moderation. Hence, the platform can be banned for non-compliance but why was the CEO arrested!
- The CEO Pavel Durov is a Russian-born French citizen. He fled Russia when he was warned of letting Putin’s oppition use his platofrm to connect and spread discontent. Hence, as long as Telegram was useful against Russia, the Deep State let it fucntion without issue.
- Telegram’s CEO is yet to charged after arrest. Currently, the official status is detained by the French police for questioning! However, Russia beleives that there will never be any charges laid on the man. They suspect that this arrest/ detention is a pressure tactic of the Deep State. Consequently, they subtly state that the Deep State goal is to have access to Ukrainian user’s chat rooms. Why? Maybe to control information exchange against their pet Zelenskyy! Or maybe to stop Pro-Russian content exchange!Â
- The CEO’s detention/ arrest is part of an investigation on an unnamed person! Hence, the true cause is cloacked under the guise of national security or other excuses.Â
Free Speech – A Deep State Weapon?!
Online Speech was a weapon used effectively by the US State Department. Free Speech was weaponized as part of its foreign policy arsenal. What was once a cornerstone of American democracy is a pressurizing tool used on foreign governments. The Deep State asks the US to demand other nations to adopt censorship laws. And they need these laws to align with Deep State approved US interests. Under the guise of combating misinformation and promoting “moral” standards, they force other nations to crack down on voices that are not Deep State echo chambers.
Therefore, the global push for ‘censorship’ is funded by American taxpayers, who are unwittingly supporting efforts to silence the very freedoms they claim to cherish.
This schizophrenic and maniacal approach to free speech is evident in the US government’s contradictory policies. While they champion freedom with words, they are actively undermining freedom to others in foreign nations. And all of this is in the name of maintaining geopolitical control. Therefore, for the Deep State, the chains of Free Speech are clearly to prevent the rise of nationalist or right-wing leaders who might challenge their global status. By controlling the flow of information, the Deep State ensures that only their pet narratives, that serve their interests, gain traction.
India: A Target of Deep State Manipulation
India, the world’s largest democracy, is currently a key battleground in the Deep State’s war on free speech. Big Tech companies, like Facebook, have agreed under oath that the US State Department made unreasonable censoring demands to influence US elections.
A similar pattern of US tactics was implemented during the 2024 Indian General Elections. YouTube, Instagram, and social media algorithms suppressed pro-Modi and nationalist content. And narratives favorable to the Congress party were promoted. Why? Because Rahul Gandhi was perceived as more useful to further Western interests in Bharat.
This manipulation of information is part of a broader strategy to keep the Indian government on the defensive and prevent it from asserting its independence on the global stage.
The Deep State’s ultimate goal is to destabilize Bharat, either through a regime change or by keeping the current government perpetually off-balance. This strategy mirrors the tactics used in Bangladesh, where a U.S.-backed regime change was orchestrated to install a government more compliant with American interests. By constantly undermining India’s sovereignty, the Deep State hopes to prevent the rise of a powerful, independent nation that could challenge its global dominance.
A Global War for Free Speech
Thus, the arrest/detention of Pavel Durov is a flashpoint in the global struggle for control over free speech. The Deep State uses its stoges to violate personal freedoms by bending the law. And this arrest may be an effort to stifle dissent, both at home and abroad. Thus, the very institutions that claim to protect democracy are actively working to undermine it. They orchestrate regime changes in the Middle East and South Asia with impunity to control resources.Â
Hence, under the Deep State, Free Speech is a commodity to be controlled by a few thousand to manipulate billions of humans.
The Deep State’s final goal is to go from being the Speech police to the Thought Police! Thus, the fight for truth and freedom becomes more critical than ever. Free speech is under siege, and the forces arrayed against it are powerful and relentless. Telegram’s battle is just the beginning, and the world must remain vigilant in the face of these growing threats. Let the world recognize the true nature of this struggle and resist the Deep State’s efforts to control the flow of information! Only by standing up for the principles of freedom and democracy can we ensure that platforms like Telegram continue to provide a voice for the voiceless!