Netflix’s latest series on the infamous IC814 hijacking, directed by Anubhav Sinha, does more than portray a harrowing historical event—it showcases a masterclass in...
In a disheartening act of vandalism, the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Edmonton, Canada, has been defaced with anti-India graffiti. This incident marks yet another...
BJP's suspended leader Nupur Sharma delivered a scathing counter to Rahul Gandhi’s controversial "Hindu Hinsak '' comment. Speaking at a Hindu Sabha on Bhagavad...
Menace comes in multiple forms. The most recent one is Artwhoring, Priyanka Paul. Netizens voiced strong protests against Priyanka Paul who is a controversial...
Dhruv Rathee recently tweeted about the daily death threats, fake allegations, and dehumanising insults he endures. He claimed that perpetrators are pretending to be...
In a startling revelation, the left-liberal media and those with sympathies toward Islamist ideologies have once again showcased their bias by rallying behind individuals...