Following the example of Devbhoomi Uttarakhand, the saffron-clad Hindu majority of Himachal Pradesh has issued a 30-day eviction notice to its Muslim residents. The...
Recently, the Madurai bench of the Madras High Court stated that government-aided minority schools can only fill vacancies after the government’s approval. The judges...
The porous Bharat-Bangladesh border allowed two illegal immigrants to enter the state of Tripura. Recently, an Iranian citizen named Yakub Yazadanbakah crossed over into...
Atif Rasheed, ex-vice chairman of the National Commission for Minorities, wrote a stinging tweet in response to the US Lawmaker Ilhan Omar's hate speech...
In an interview, Samajwadi Party leader ST Hasan made a provocative statement by asserting that Indian Muslims only follow the Quran. His statement was...